Monday, August 3, 2009


I'm sick!!
so sad.......
I've realized something...
i always fall ill whenever the school opens or term begins
suffering..... T^T

the Mahjung worms are biting me
why no KAKI can keep me company to play Mahjung??
T^T...very sad~

cut the Blames,here something new~
i have my hair cut today~ ^^
but went alone to GC
kinda bored...........
p/s: love my new hair style ^^

brother gonna back from Japan!!
yes is tomorrow!!
but....have to celebrate SOMEONE's birthday~
oh ya!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Miss Goh Fei Ling!!!!
love you very much ~~~ ^^
so, very conveniently wish Mr. LALA Lai Jian Hao HAPPY BIRTHDAY also lar...

just recalled something...
am suppose to go college in the evening
told CM that i will be going to see those dancers do their practice
but ended up....i've forgotten this~~>"<
and now chit-chatting with one of my classmate
more and more homework she tells only i realized that is needed to be done
huhu...i have a poor memory~
forgetful Juin Juin!!

suppose to do my works...

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